Wow, talk about luck! A video on twitter has gone viral, showing a black SUV on the Lower East Side of Manhattan being rocked and tilted to the side by bystanders who were attempting to free a woman trapped under it. According to authorities, the incident occurred at the intersection of Delancey Street and Norfolk Street. Bystanders are seen rushing to help the trapped woman, who was knocked over in an NYC car traffic accident.
Twitter user @colbydroscher posted the heroic video and photo of the incident. The photo shows the woman lying in the middle of the street after she was removed from beneath the vehicle. Colby Droscher reportedly told the New York Post he was a block away when he heard the crash and people yelling. He stated, “As I approached there were big crowds forming all around the intersection. All of a sudden everyone ran to lift the car. It all happened so fast.”
Twitter quickly began making fun of the whole incident through tweets, since the woman is seen looking at her phone while firefighters and first responders are kneeling around her to help her. The woman was taken to Bellevue Hospital and her condition was unclear. Honestly, I can see why Twitter was going wild after seeing this woman on her phone. But hey, maybe she was texting her family that she was being transported to the hospital and wanted them to be there?
I mean, if I was awake and conscious, that’s what I would be doing too. Either that or she was checking how much her insurance would cover, because well, need I remind you of our healthcare system? If I was conscious, I would text a friend to come pick me up because I am not about to pay $600 for an ambulance. Geesh. Let me go to the hospital in peace.
I’m totally kidding, who knows what she was doing, but I’m sure grateful she is alive and well.